My Holiday

Hi guys! back with me again, so holiday is over and what did you do during your holiday? Me? actually, I've done so many things during my holiday such as went to school for Angklung's practice, hang out with my friends and family, or even just stay in my home. But now I would like to tell you about one of my activity during my holiday. So my family and I went to Dufan at Ancol, Jakarta. Maybe that was the hundred times I went there but yeah I never got bored because I love amusement park! actually my dad and my brother didn't come with us because they had another activity to do so it's only me, my mom, my aunt, and my cousins. We left from my aunt's house at 6.30 am by car. we arrived at Ancol around 9 am. because Dufan open at 10 am so we decided to stay at the beach while my mom queue to buy tickets. Although it was still 9 am but there were a lot of people at the beach maybe because it was holiday season. After my mom have got the tickets for us, we en...