My dream place to visit

Hi! so here's I would like to tell you about my dream place to visit. Do you know or have heard about New Zealand?
new Zealand is located in an island nation in the southwest pasific ocean. this country had 2 islands there are north island and south island.

the capital city of this country is Wellington and the largest city is Auckland. Sky Tower is the highest building in New Zealand it's located in Auckland city

there are so many beautiful places here, one of my favorite is Waitomo Glowworm Caves

besides that, New Zealand is low for its percentage of corruption , less of pollution, and less of population that's another reason why I love this country. If you're Lord of the rings serial movie lovers you must visit this place because this is where they made that films, its called hobbiton.

so that's it from me about my dream place to visit, hope one day I can visit this beautiful country :). see you in the next post!


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